iMage Photography

Low Light Photography

Royal Photographic Society
Please click on the thumbnails to see the large images or videos

Sandra chatting - I have always enjoyed taking photographs of places, but not the technical aspect of cameras and photography that fascinates Mike. However, a couple of the assignments that he's been given by the Sedgemoor Camera Club during the lockdown have interested me and I decided to share my experiences with anyone who's interested.

There will be no technobabble, or shutter speeds, or exposure times, just some bits and pieces that I discovered whilst trying to take reasonable photos.

In September SCC asked us to take a 'deceptive' picture. You've all seen the game where you have to guess what the item is from a photo taken at an unusual angle or a small bit of it. This was the sort of thing they were interested in.
We were lucky enough to have a couple of days in Kenilworth in September and I couldn't resist the row of houses seen across a park we were walking through.

Sedgemoor Camera Club is very 'hand-on' and this year have missed their usual walk round Bridgwater during an evening's darkness instead of a meeting. So, it was suggested that on the evening this excursion had been planned, we all take photos where we live and we could look at the results at the next Zoom meeting. I was quite pleased with my first effort which I thought was quite fun.

I then persuaded Mike to hold up a tea-light lamp and tried to get a photo in the dark. I was a bit disappointed with the result, but tried three different photo programmes.

PhotoshopPhotomatixRaw Therapee

What really surprised me was the difference between the results given by the programmes from the same photo.