iMage Photography

Blairgowrie & Rattray Highland Games
and Alyth

Royal Photographic Society
Blairgowrie & Rattray Highland Games were an amazing spectacle. Although run by locals, for locals; visitors from far away were made welcome. Our camp site was the Five Roads, which is really close to Alyth, an interesting historic village - very proud of its heritage with plaques explaining the origins of street names, and the history of the village giving a small insight into Scottish life.
No-one said it was easy! Piipes & DrumsSuccess
The Ardblair Stones Lifting a StoneCycle Races
Axe Throwing On the WayThe Axes are sharp!
Returning from the Hill Race Cheiftain of the Games
Laurence Blair Oliphant
of Ardblair and Gask
One of the Tugs of War
Mike entering Alyth ALYTH PACK BRIDGE
One of the oldest bridges
in Scotland.
Dating from before 1600, probably
c1500, allowing monks to cross the
Alyth Burn.
The village centre
MARKET CROSS In 1488 James lll granted Alyth
the Burgh of Barony
This allowed local merchants
to sell their goods, and
entitled the town to hold regular
markets and fairs.